Kung Fu Panda 2 – Awesomeness all the way

28 05 2011

The reason why Cecil B. DeMille has inspired so many and DW Griffith is called as father of cinema is because their films created and presented an experience which was thoroughly entertaining and one that made people forget the world which existed outside the dark hall where they sat. This is what cinema means to me too, something that should be an experience and not just a story on celluloid.

Kung Fu Panda 2 (3D) falls exactly under this category of cinema. It is funny, it touches you and it has all the action you need. It is exactly what Mumbai Mirror called it – “PO-etic Justice”. The film is an excellent example of a crisply edited film which doesn’t let you think even for a single moment. It gets down to business in less than ten minutes and post that it’s an action packed fun ride which is both visually spectacular and emotionally brilliant . Animated Films in Hollywood are getting bigger and better every passing day and this animated panda certainly is the superstar of that World.

The 3D effects add that “experience” dimension to it which is an absolute treat to watch. The experience was kind of overwhelming for me who loves cinema to the core. The 3D Imax experience that an animated film can provide is something a non animated film can never do. If you think that the 3D animated characters can’t emote properly and are no match to real actors, well then watch this one carefully and you’ll see that the “acting” of these characters can easily outdo a certain league of ‘wooden’ actors from Bollywood.

The film is hilarious all through with Po’s quirky charming humour backed up well by Jack Black’s voice and supported by the Furious Five. Comedy is all about timing and the timing in this film is almost flawless, delivered when you are least expecting it. The role of Tigress (Angelina Jolie) has been extended a little bit more with a peek into her emotional side.

The chubby adorable panda would certainly make you laugh through the length of film. The action in it has also been brilliantly conceptualised and executed. The story revolves around Po’s & Furious Five’s journey towards stopping a new character, Lord Shen – son of the Peacock Emperor(Gary Oldman) who plans to conquer China and kill Kung Fu in the process. It’s also an inward journey for Po as he seeks “inner peace” 😛 . It also has some really funny sequences with Po’s Dad and Master Shifu.

The sequel also manages to leave certain hints in it for the third part. Apart from the “Awesome” dialogues and brilliant voice over performances, the film also has an involving background score by musical geniuses Hans Zimmer and John Powell. Apart from 3D effects, music is one thing that enriches the experience even more.

The film, brilliantly Directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson, is a perfect blend of action and comedy with emotions that would certainly leave you wanting more. Jennifer is the first woman to solely direct an animated feature for a major Hollywood studio and she has certainly made a splashing debut with this film.

After a really long time I’ve enjoyed a film so much so that I came back early to write this. Go ahead watch this one for sure and try to catch it at a 3D IMAX if you can .Though it would cost you more but as Po rightly said in the first part “There is no charge for awesomeness …. or attractiveness ”



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